Successful Transition, WK Rokan Successfully Increases Production

JAKARTA - President Director of Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) Jaffee A Suardin revealed, the process of transferring the management of the Rokan Working Area (WK) is one of the best records in the history of Indonesian oil.

Not only the transition activities went well, the transition period was also followed by an increase in the production performance of the second largest oil and gas WK in the country.

PHR has officially managed WK Rokan since August 9, 2021.

Previously explained at the GMS, the Company's health level was categorized as healthy or AA based on the assessment of a number of factors, namely Financial Performance Value, Growth Performance Value, Operational Performance Value, and Administrative Performance Value.

"The year 2021 is a very special year for PHR. The process of transferring the management of the Rokan WK which runs smoothly and does not interfere with oil and gas production deserves to be a role model for other oil and gas WK operator transfer schemes in the future," said Jaffee to the media, Friday 17 June.

After the transfer of management for the period of August 9, 2021 until the end of 2021, continued Jaffe, WK Rokan recorded the realization of production of 166 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day (MBOEPD).

This figure consists of oil production of 159.5 thousand barrels per day (MBOPD) and gas production of 37.7 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD).

"WK Rokan contributes about 24 percent of the total national production," he added.

Rosa Vivien Ratnawati as Commissioner of PHR added that she is optimistic that PHR will be able to maintain a solid performance in the coming year.

"WK Rokan has strategic value in efforts to achieve national oil and gas production targets," said Rosa.

Efforts to increase WK Rokan production, he said, were pursued through a massive-aggressive work plan, namely, drilling new wells, workovers, optimizing water and steam injection technology, developing Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (CEOR) technology and potential Non-Conventional Oil and Gas (MNK).

With careful planning, currently WK Rokan is able to drill an average of one new well per day and shorten the time from drilling to production.

In line with its mission to provide benefits and added value for all stakeholders, PHR is implementing the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program effectively in 2021.

The main focus is in the fields of health, education, economy, and the environment.

All programs are designed to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the principles of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG).

"In the first 100 days after the transfer of management, the benefits of the TJSL PHR WK Rokan program were felt by more than 3,000 beneficiaries, both directly and indirectly," continued Rosa.

The achievement of superior performance of PHR WK Rokan is accompanied by the effectiveness of implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) policies, aspects of Occupational Safety and Health (K3), digitalization strategies, and supply chain management of goods/services.

"In the future, PHR is also required to implement the energy transition to New and Renewable Energy (EBT). With the spirit of Go Green and sustainability, PHR will start treading by building a Solar Power Center (PLTS) which is projected to be able to produce 25 MW," he concluded.