KPK Reminds Palace To Report Gratuity Of Folding Bike, Youth Pledge Edition For Jokowi
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) appealed to the palace to report the receipt of the edition folding bicycle gratuity if the gift was intended for President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) personally.
This appeal came after President Jokowi received a special edition folding bicycle of the Youth Pledge from the CEO of PT Roda Maju, Bahagia Hendra and the CEO of Damn! I Love Indonesia, Daniel Mananta who was handed over to the Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko.
"The KPK has conveyed an appeal to report the receipt of the folding bicycle gratuity if the gift is intended for Mr. Jokowi personally," said Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ipi Maryati Kuding in a written statement, Tuesday, October 27.
He said the KPK's Gratification Directorate had also requested information from the palace regarding the reception. The bicycle, which was handed over on Monday, October 26 yesterday, has not been received by President Jokowi so that further checks will be carried out.
Even so, Ipi still reminded that all forms of gratuity had to be reported to the KPK in accordance with statutory regulations and given 30 working days from the time the receipt was made.
"Furthermore, after the report is received, the KPK will conduct an analysis and determine the status of receiving the gratuity whether it belongs to the state or the recipient's," he said.
Ipi said that President Jokowi had previously reported the gratuities he received and this provided a good example for all parties. It is known that in that year, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta had reported gratuities in the form of two horses from residents of Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara. Meanwhile, the estimated gratuity reached Rp. 70 million.
In addition, Jokowi was also called Ipi, having received an award from the KPK regarding gratification reporting in the same year. "In 2017, the KPK once gave an award to President Jokowi as a reporter of gratuities with the greatest value," he said.
It is known, Daniel Mananta, CEO of Damn! I Love Indonesia and the CEO of PT Roda Maju, Bahagia Hendra, presented a gift to President Jokowi in the form of a folding bicycle type ecosmo 10 Sp Damn. This bicycle was specially made to commemorate the 92nd Youth Pledge on October 28.
Daniel explained that this bicycle is one hundred percent made in the country in collaboration with PT Roda Maju Bahagia. According to him, during this pandemic, all parties are required to be creative and develop innovative ideas.
"In a global pandemic situation, I hope this nation can get through it soon. We are sure that this nation has been tested and can rise again from various problems. Through creativity, our products can be equal to other countries globally," said Daniel when he handed over it. the bike.