The Importance Of Periodic Mental Health Checks

JAKARTA - Regular mental health checks are a step not only to make sure you are mentally healthy or have problems. Through the right mental health checks, you can immediately take a number of anticipations if you find out that there are signals that point to mental problems that could arise in the future.

Advances in technology make it easier for you to do a mental health check today. You don't have to come to a psychologist and meet face to face, you can also do the draining related to health signs independently by choosing a mental health test at SehatQ, an online health consultation platform.

From these checks, you can anticipate a number of things, including continuing with a consultation session with a psychologist to prevent more severe mental problems. But in addition, do the things below as a preventative step to avoid mental problems in the future.

Consumption of Nutritious Food

Eating nutritious food is not only useful for physical health. Basically, nutritious food intake can also help maintain brain performance. With good brain function, the risk of experiencing mental problems can be reduced.

Enough Sleep

Get in the habit of getting enough sleep at night in the range of 7-9 hours. This adequate rest can affect your stress level. Where rest can reduce stress to finally minimize the risk of mental problems that may occur. On the other hand, when you are used to sleeping irregularly and staying up late, the production of the hormone cortisol, which triggers anxiety and restlessness, becomes more active, making you more susceptible to mental problems.

Be social

One of the signals that someone needs to do a mental health check through SehatQ or directly to a psychologist is the loss of desire or ability to socialize.

Before that happens, keep your socialization with the people around you, family, and friends. The reason is that with good socialization, mental health becomes more awake because feelings of pleasure when gathered together often appear. You also don't feel isolated when you often socialize with other people.

Exercise Routine

"In a healthy body there is a strong soul" is not a nonsense adage. When your physical condition is maintained, your mental health can be better maintained. You see, not infrequently there are cases where a person's health condition affects his psychological condition.

To achieve physical health, don't forget to regularly exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Exercise not only makes you physically fitter directly, but also stimulates the production of endorphins which are in charge of improving your mood. With a good mood, the results of your mental health check will be more satisfying.

Take a Break for Vacation

Vacationing can reduce stress levels that may have occurred due to too much work. Don't be too workaholic if you don't want the results of your mental health check at SehatQ to get a bad score and you must immediately consult a psychologist. Instead of getting into mental problems, stopping work for a while and taking time off, then going on vacation is the recommended option

Express Feelings

Poor mental health check results are often triggered by the habit of holding back feelings and being reluctant to express the emotions you feel. Start breaking the habit and try to be more open to how you feel about other people. If you don't like it, say you don't like it.

If you feel angry and disappointed, bring out the condition so that others know. Expressing feelings like this in fact can actually make your mental health better and awake.

Diligently taking the preventive steps above does not mean that you are free not to do mental health checks, yes. Get in the habit of doing regular health checks, and this is no exception for your mental health check.