Commission VIII Proposed National Amil Zakat Agency's Budget To Increase

JAKARTA - Commission VIII of the DPR proposed an increase in the budget given by the state to the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) to improve the performance of the institution, especially for outreach to the public.

Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR RI, the Golkar Party faction, Ace Hasan Syadzily, said that in 2022 Baznas will receive government assistance of around Rp. 14 billion, so it needs to be added so that the service and support program at Baznas can be improved.

"We propose an increase in the budget for Baznas, especially regarding the Baznas support service program and this is our opportunity to participate in socializing Baznas as a transparent and open institution," said Ace in a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with the Chairman of Baznas at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Thursday. , June 16. Ace considered it necessary to conduct massive socialization to the public regarding the strategic role of Baznas as a semi-government institution in collecting zakat, infaq, and sodaqoh for the community.

"For me, efforts to encourage and build public trust in Baznas must be carried out systematically by conducting massive socialization so that people are willing to distribute zakat, infaq, and sodaqoh to Baznas," said Ace.

Ace said that Baznas had made efforts to disseminate information to the public regarding the programs in the institution. Such as economic distribution, student scholarships, Baznas scholar schools, and school surgery.

However, the Golkar politician has not seen the socialization of Baznas touching social media. Therefore, according to Ace, a special strategy is needed so that people are willing to submit ZIS to Baznas.

"Any program made by Baznas but there is no resonance it will not be seen by the public so there is no trust in the institution. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage socialization to the public regarding the role of Baznas so that trust in Baznas arises," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives, the PKB faction, Marwan Dasopang, assessed that Baznas needs to allocate a budget from the APBN as a "fishing tool" if it wants to solve the problem of poverty through the maximum role of its institutions. The budget allocation, said Marwan, is needed to socialize the strategic role of Baznas as an official ZIS collection agency so that people want to distribute ZIS to Baznas. the budget.

"Therefore, it is necessary to convince the government to increase the budget for Baznas so that the target of obtaining ZIS of Rp. 300 trillion can be achieved," he said.