Demo In DPR Chaotic, Labor Party President: Just Misunderstanding, No Masses Arrested

JAKARTA - Labor Party President Said Iqbal responded to the chaos that had colored the mass demonstration of workers in front of the DPR/MPR RI Building, Jl Gatot Subroto, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, June 15.

He said that the chaotic incident that resulted in a number of people being detained by the police was just a misunderstanding. "It was just a misunderstanding," Said said at the location.

Even so, Said said, no mass workers were detained. According to him, the security forces were very cooperative in securing the demonstration. Both from the Chief of Police and elements of the Polda Metro Jaya.

"There is no conflict, no one has been detained, all are accommodating. And the police and TNI are cooperative with this action," he said.

Said also said that this labor action brought five demands to the DPR. First, rejecting the revision of the PPP Law. Second, rejecting the omnibus law on the job creation law, thirdly rejecting the 75-day campaign period, which should be 9 months as a law. Fourth, ratify the PPRT Bill. Fifth, reject the liberalization of agriculture through the WTO.

It is known that a riot occurred when a new crowd arrived in front of the DPR Building. The crowd hit the barbed wire that had been attached to the command car. This is considered disturbing because there is usually no barbed wire during the previous action.

As a result, the police arrested five mass workers who were involved in the riots. They were taken to the DPR building.