Operation Patuh Jaya 2022: Most Violations Of Three-Bombing Motorcyclists To Non-SNI Helmets

JAKARTA - The National Police noted that on the first day of Operation Patuh Jaya 2022, the most violations were carried out by two-wheeled vehicles or motorbikes throughout Indonesia. The type of offense is riding more than one person.

"The most violations were in the form of riding with more than one passenger as many as 4,189 violations," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Tuesday, June 14.

Another violation that is often done by motorists is not wearing a helmet according to the standard or SNI and going against the flow. The number reached 3,303 and 508 violations.

"The types of violations during the 2022 compliant operation, the first being motorcycles, amounted to 8,378 violations," he said.

Meanwhile, for four-wheeled vehicles or cars there were 2,578 violations. The rule that is violated the most is overloading.

"The three most common types of violations are exceeding the load as many as 1,289 violations, the use of safety belts as many as 1,020, and going against the flow as many as 100 violations," said Ramadhan.

In addition, based on the data, 20,047 actions have been taken. Enforcement by way of electronic fines or warnings.

"Traffic violations were taken as much as 20,047 actions. With details of ETLE as many as 2,698 and reprimands as many as 17,349 actions," said Ramadhan

For information, Operation Patuh Jaya will be held for two weeks or starting from June 13 to 26 throughout Indonesia.

In this operation, there are 8 focus violations, including the use of cellphones while driving, underage drivers, motorbikes riding in a group of more than 1 person. Then using an SNI helmet, not using a safety belt, driving under the influence of alcohol, going against the flow, and exceeding speed limit.