His Name Is Also A Policeman, Must Be Able To Give An Example Of Orderly Traffic

JAKARTA - The NTT Police Chief Inspector General of Police Setyo Budiyanto warned his members to set a good example for the community in orderly traffic.

"Polri personnel must be a good example to the community in terms of obeying traffic rules so that the community can also follow this example," said Inspector General Setyo, in Kupang, Monday, June 13, quoted from Antara.

The number one person in the NTT Regional Police said that there are four things that are expected from the Turangga 2022 operation, including being able to realize and maintain security, safety, order and smooth traffic.

In addition, it also aims to improve the quality of safety and reduce the level of facilities for traffic accident victims.

"In addition, to build a culture of orderly traffic and improve the quality of public services," he added.

These four things have complexities that cannot be handled by Polantas themselves. To succeed in this, the synergy between stakeholders is very basic in finding the root of the problem and the solution that must be accepted and implemented by all parties.

So, one of the focuses of attention at this time is safety for road users.

"Safety is indeed the first and foremost thing in traffic. In this context, traffic can be understood as the heart of life, a mirror of national culture and a mirror of the level of modernity," said the number one person at the NTT Police.

According to the NTT Police Chief, safety in traffic is often neglected and awareness of traffic users is still low.

This is proven based on data from the "Integrated road safety management system" managed by the Ditlantas Polda NTT in 2021, there were 1,191 incidents, with 371 deaths, 439 serious injuries, 1,408 minor injuries due to disobedience to traffic.

"When compared to 2020 as many as 1,125 incidents, there was an increase with the number of accidents by 66 incidents or an increase of 6 percent," he added.

Therefore, the obedient operation carried out for 14 days starting from June 13-26 can reduce the number of traffic accidents in Kupang City, especially NTT as a whole.