Coastal Residents Of East Java Urged To Beware Of Rob Floods Due To The La Nina Phenomenon

SURABAYA - The Tanjung Perak Maritime Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts the potential for tidal flooding or high tides in mid-June. The impact of La Nina is predicted to occur in the coastal areas of East Java, including Surabaya.

"Where the height of the tidal flood is at level 160 of the average sea level. Well, this condition will cause inundation in coastal areas to reach 30 to 40 cm. The peak of the tidal flood will occur on June 15," said the Tanjung Maritime BMKG forecaster Perak Surabaya, Fajar Setiawan, confirmed, Monday, June 13.

According to Fajar, the tidal flood also hampered the flow of rivers to the sea. What's more, this condition can be exacerbated by the La Nina phenomenon.

Even though it is now the dry season, the potential for rain is still higher.

"Well, if all three occur simultaneously, there is rain, the tide continues, then automatically the water in the river will be even more difficult to flow into the sea," he said.

Fajar said that recently the condition of the sea water is still warm. Therefore, rain will often occur even though the intensity is light to moderate if on land.

While conditions at sea, the intensity of rain can reach the moderate to heavy category.

"Because it's currently La Nina, so we predict that until the end of next year, even though the dry season will still often rain. Most people call it wet dry season," he said.

Fajar explained that La Nina was actually a global phenomenon that did not only hit East Java. However, he said, if La Nina was more intense in Indonesia, especially the Central and Eastern parts.

"So, starting recently, we predict that the sea surface temperature will warm until the end of the year. So, until the end of the year, God willing, the rainfall will still occur frequently," he said.

Therefore, Fajar appealed to the community, especially those living on the coast, to increase their vigilance. The reason is, currently the supply of water vapor in Indonesia is still a lot, so rain will often occur. Also, due to the evaporation of the East Wind which can cause strong winds and tidal waves to increase.

"The third is because of the supermoon or perigee phenomenon, where the moon is in a position close to the earth. This will cause tidal flooding that will be more intensive. Our prediction is that it will occur from mid to late June, will also occur in mid-July," he said. .

Of these three factors, Fajar again advised the public to always update weather information. Mainly to the potential dangers that arise.

If they find dangerous conditions or warnings from the BMKG, they hope that the community does not force themselves to do activities.

"Our prediction is that the peak of the supermoon will occur tomorrow at around 18.00 WIB, namely the full moon which is close to the earth. For the phenomenon it will occur tomorrow, but if the impact can be felt from now until June 17. The most important impact is high tide," he said. .

The Coordinator for Data and Information of the BMKG Juanda Sidoarjo, Teguh Tri Susanto, stated the same thing. According to him, currently there is a global La Nina phenomenon that is still continuing. The phenomenon of warmer sea surface temperatures around the East Java region.

"If the question is whether this is a wet dry season, maybe people are free to give names, the important thing is to be aware that there is potential for rain throughout this year," said Teguh.

Teguh reiterated that the BMKG predicts that the potential for rain will remain throughout 2022. However, he advised that wet dry conditions due to this climate anomaly cannot be used as a benchmark for this to happen forever.

"This is an overview, for strengthening it can continue to monitor weather developments on a meteorological scale (1 daily, 3 daily, 7 daily) on official channels or BMKG contacts," he said.