Seeing The Destroyed Record Of National Tourism During The First Year Of The Pandemic

JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) today released a report titled Tourism Attraction Statistics 2020 which describes how the travel industry in the first year of the pandemic occurred.

In the minutes, BPS revealed that the information was obtained from the results of direct data collection on businesses or companies with commercial tourist attraction objects throughout Indonesia.

"It is hoped that this publication can be useful for data users, both private and government for the sake of tourism development in Indonesia, especially in the field of tourist attraction objects," said BPS Head Margo Yuwono in his foreword as quoted by the editorial staff on Monday, June 13.

Several important points revealed in this report are that in 2020, Indonesia was visited by more than 4 million foreign tourists, or dropped 74.84 percent from the previous year.

Visitors are dominated by domestic tourists with a total of 193.63 million people or about 98.22 percent of the total visitors.

However, not all provinces are dominated by Indonesian visitors. There are provinces where the number of foreign visitors is greater than Indonesian visitors. The province is Bali Province which has 9.11 million foreign visitors or 52.84 percent of the total visitors.

Meanwhile, operating revenues from tourist attraction companies amounted to Rp. 7 trillion, with the largest revenue being in West Java, amounting to Rp. 1.581 trillion. This was followed by Bali at Rp1.36 trillion and DKI Jakarta at Rp1.27 trillion.

The expenditures for tourist attraction companies amounted to Rp. 2.297 trillion, where for West Java it was Rp. 271.66 billion, Bali was Rp. 330.56 billion and for DKI Jakarta was Rp. 650.22 billion. However, it is a shame that a comparison of the number of books in 2019 was not provided as a benchmark to measure the decline.

For information, the places that become tourist destinations are grouped into six groups, namely natural tourist attractions, cultural tourist attractions, artificial tourist attractions, amusement and recreation parks, tourism areas, and water tourism.

It is stated that there are 1,865 tourist attractions managed by the private sector. Meanwhile, 556 tourist objects are managed by local governments, 72 tourist objects are managed by authorities and as many as 59 attractions are managed by the central government.