Alert! Heavy Rain Potentially Floods And Landslides In North Sumatra

MEDAN - The people of North Sumatra are asked to be more aware of the potential for rain with moderate and heavy intensity. Heavy rainfall can cause floods and landslides.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said disasters caused by moderate and heavy rainfall could hit a number of areas in North Sumatra.

"Be aware of the potential for moderate to heavy rain in mountainous areas, east slopes and west slopes which can cause flooding and landslides in North Sumatra," said Medan BBMKG Region I forecaster, Martha R. Manurung, as reported by Antara, Saturday, June 11.

In general, the weather in North Sumatra, on Saturday afternoon, has the potential for light to moderate rain in the areas of Langkat, Pakpak Bharat, Humbahas, Dairi, Samosir, Toba, Central Tapanuli, Taput, South Tapanuli, Madina, Kep. Nias, Karo, Deli Serdang, Asahan, and surrounding areas.

In the evening there is the potential for moderate to heavy rain in most areas of North Sumatra. Meanwhile, in the early morning, the North Sumatra region was cloudy.

The air temperature is 17.0 – 33.0 degrees Celsius, humidity is 60 – 98 percent and the wind blows from the Southwest – Northwest at a speed of 10 – 30 km/hour.

Meanwhile, based on the monitoring of Modis Sensors, namely the Tera, Aqua, SNPP and NOAA20 satellites, there are three hotspots in North Sumatra Province which are monitored in North Padang Lawas.