Ministry Of Transportation Launches South Sumatra LRT And BRT Feeder Transport

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) launched a feeder transportation service in the form of city transportation as a feeder transportation for the Light Rapid Transit (LRT) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) South Sumatra in Palembang. (angkot) feeder to the Governor of South Sumatra (Sumsel) Herman Deru and the Mayor of Palembang Harnojoyo, Saturday 11 June. "We continue to socialize the use of public transportation so that its presence can be utilized optimally by the community. Take public transportation so that Palembang is not congested and the air is cleaner," said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya in a statement in Jakarta, Saturday, June 11. The Minister of Transportation said the Ministry of Transportation handed over 29 angkots named New Oplet Musi Emas to the South Sumatra Provincial Government and Palembang City Government. The feeder service will serve two routes, namely the Talang Kelapa - Talang Bad route via Hajj Dormitory with a route length of 20.4 km and the Hajj Dormitory - Sematang Borang route via Jalan Noerdin Panji with a route length of 40.2 km. The Minister of Transportation explained that efforts to increase public interest in taking mass transportation cannot be carried out by the government alone. It takes a good Pentahelix collaboration between the central and local governments, academics, business people, community communities, and also the media. and massively to the people of Palembang, to share the use of public transportation that has been provided," he said. On the same occasion the Governor of South Sumatra Herman Deru fully supports the Ministry of Transportation's steps to improve the quality of public transportation services in Palembang City and its surroundings. Palembang people and surrounding areas use public transportation," he said. In March 2022 the Ministry of Transportation has launched the National Movement Back to Public Transportation which will be implemented in the city of Palembang. The city of Palembang is an example of complete and integrated transportation in Indonesia, because it has complete public transportation starting from from BRT, LRT, public transportation, to river transportation connected to each other.

Based on the data, the number of South Sumatra LRT users is increasing. From this year to May 2022, the South Sumatra LRT passengers have reached 350 thousand passengers. This number has increased significantly compared to the pandemic period which reached 150 thousand passengers. Likewise, the occupancy rate of the Trans Musi BRT has reached more than 55 percent after structuring and rerouting public transport routes in Palembang. In addition to reducing congestion and air pollution, the presence of public transportation also adds to the field. profession. The provision of feeder angkot in Palembang also recruited 60 drivers. Also in attendance were Director General of Railways Zulfikri, Main Staff for Land Transportation and Connectivity Budi Setiyadi, Member of the Indonesian Parliament Eddy Santana Putra, and Director of Road Transport, Directorate General of Land Transportation Suharto.