PDIP Alludes To Parties That Have Not Met The Requirements For Nomination But Are Moving Swiftly Ahead Of The 2024 Presidential Election

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto alluded to parties that have moved swiftly ahead of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) but have not met the requirements, including the requirements to nominate presidential and deputy candidates.

"It's not enough to nominate a candidate and then move swiftly," said Hasto at the National PDIP Women's Cadre Education event at the PDIP DPP Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Friday, June 10.

Not wanting to follow in their footsteps, PDIP, continued Hasto, prefers to carry out internal consolidation and regeneration. The goal, so that the political movement of the party bearing the bull's symbol does not wander.

"For PDIP, instead of participating in elite political movements, the steps of the organization to regenerate the role of women and witness training are more important and there are no days without consolidation and no days without soft campaigns," he said.

"This is PDI-P's answer so that politics is truly grounded in politics, truly rooted in politics, not in the air," added Hasto.

He also mentioned that political parties should prefer to help the community overcome problems that arise due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This, continued Hasto, is currently being carried out by his party in accordance with the mandate of PDIP Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri.

Not only that, also mentioning politics should not only pay attention to electoral issues. "Let's make politics basic to basic. Back to fundamental problems of our nation. That's our job," he said.

One of the problems that can be considered is education in the country.

"So many issues are more important than just talking about the agility of political maneuvering. That is what PDIP wants to bring," he concluded.