Solok Regent Epyardi Asda Reported By DPRD Chairman To KPK

JAKARTA - The chairman of the Solok Regency DPRD, Dodi Hendra, reported Solok Regent Epyardi Asda to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

There are four alleged corruption cases reported by Dodi, including those related to the Singkarak Lake reclamation violation. As a result of Epyardi's actions, the state is said to have lost up to Rp. 18.1 billion.

"We are reporting on the aspirations of the public regarding evidence of alleged corruption by the Regent of Solok Epyardi Asda related to 4 different cases, one of which concerns the violation of the Singkarak lake reclamation," said Dodi to reporters at the KPK Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

Dodi detailed that related to the reclamation of Lake Singkarak, the state is suspected of losing up to Rp. 3.3 billion based on data from the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi).

"The second is related to the grant of an existing road to the Chinangkiek Tourism Area, which is a privately owned tourist area of the Regent of Solok Epyardi Asda, which is suspected of causing state losses of Rp. 13.1 billion," he said.

Not only that, the Regent of Solok is suspected of often ordering the SKPD of the Solok Regency Government to hold meetings or meetings in his Chinangkiek tourist area. In fact, the area does not yet have a permit or an environmental impact analysis (AMDAL) for tourism.

Unmitigated, this kind of activity, said Dodi, could cost up to IDR 1.2 billion.

"Fourth, related to the appointment of retired civil servants to be Plh Sekda Solok, the alleged state loss was approximately Rp. 500 million for the cost of salaries and office allowances," said Dodi.

Dodi highlighted the problem of reclamation of Lake Singkarak. The reason is that the private company working on the Singkarak Lake reclamation project is a company owned by the family of the Regent of Solok Epyardi Asda, namely PT Kaluku Indah Permai and CV Anam Daro.

"So, we as the chairman of the Solok Regency DPRD, representing the people of Solok Regency, request that the case of alleged abuse of authority and indications of corruption be processed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations," he concluded.