Apart From Brigadier General EP, There Are Dozens Of Members Involved With LGBT, IPW Asks The Police To Be Transparent

JAKARTA - Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) said there were dozens of Polri personnel involved in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) deviations. But at this time only Brig. Gen. EP whose handling has been disclosed to the public.

"Apart from Police Brigadier General EP, there are dozens of other Polri members who are suspected of belonging to the LGBT group," said IPW Presidium Chair Neta S Pane in his statement, Thursday, October 22.

Neta said that actually the handling of Brigadier General EP was carried out when General Idham Azis appointed the National Police Chief. At that time, Brigadier General EP was removed from his position as Karobinkar SSDM Polri.

Apart from that, Brigadier General EP was also detained for some time. He was detained along with dozens of members suspected of belonging to the group.

"Together with Brigadier General EP, there are dozens of other Polri members who have been detained by Propam in connection with LGBT issues," he said.

But until now, the National Police has only conveyed the handling of Brigadier General EP, without mentioning the question of dozens of other members. Thus, questions are asked about the extent of handling.

"It is not yet known how the follow-up process will be carried out by dozens of Polri members," he said

"Are they still on duty at the Police or have been disabled. Polri needs to be transparent in this LGBT case," he continued.

Neta emphasized that the action against Polri members who are involved in LGBT must be transparent. This is because their actions have tarnished the image of the National Police.

"The National Police needs to anticipate it and be transparent about LGBT issues in its ranks," he said.