Formula E Event Completed, Anies Baswedan Witness Race Car Demolition

JAKARTA - The Formula E electric car racing event has been completed. The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan witnessed the demolition process of the Jakarta International E-Prix Circuit (JIEC) by the organizers of the Jakarta E-Prix today.

On this occasion, Anies ensured that the boxes containing the cars used for the races were packaged very well.

"We saw that it was a container box containing the racing car used yesterday (in the Jakarta E-Prix). Last night the race car was immediately removed and put into a box weighing 300 tons," he said in an official statement, Sunday, June 5 .

Anies explained that the cars, said Anies, would be taken to a storage area. Later from this stroge location it will be sent on June 9 to Morocco for the next Formula E event.

Furthermore, Anies admitted that he was impressed with the details carried out by the organizers by maximizing technology and efficiency. He hopes that this will be used as a lesson by local officials in terms of organizing events.

"What is unique about all of this is that the installation to dismantling is full of technology, full of accumulated knowledge. Therefore, it is very beneficial for our team in Jakarta to take lessons, knowledge, so that they can be used for our activities here," he said.

"So how efficient the work is done very well and the garage that was yesterday was full of race cars is now empty and this will be a lesson for us."

Embrace the concept of the environment

In addition, according to Anies, the organizers also adhere to the concept of the environment. Because Formula E is a race that puts forward the environmental paradigm. So all the resources must be environmentally friendly.

"It's not just about the race because maybe the race is only 45 minutes. But behind that there is complicated planning, the use of extraordinarily intensive technology, plus there is an ideology that must be adhered to, namely caring for the environment and using the most efficient ways of utilizing resources, " he said.

Anies said, with this technology, a race leaves no pollution.

"Even for electricity generated from generators fueled by bio-diesel," he said.

For your information, the ninth series of Formula E car racing in Jakarta has just finished. Jaguar TCS Racing's Mitch Evans came out victorious.

Evans succeeded in being the fastest at the Jakarta International E-Prix Circuit (JIEC) on Saturday, June 4. He beat Jean-Éric Vergne of the DS Techeetah team with a time gap of +0.733 seconds.