The Formula E Event Gets 31 Sponsors, None From The Minister Of SOEs

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Organizing Committee (OC) of Formula E Jakarta, Ahmad Sahroni, said that 31 private companies had become sponsors. However, until now there has been no sponsorship assistance from the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir.

"Currently, there are 31 sponsors from the private sector, of course SOEs have not provided sponsors," said Sahroni at the Nasdem Party DPP, Wednesday, June 1. However, Sahroni did not want to extend it. Because, according to him, the current sponsors have greatly helped the Formula E event.

"Well, if it's not given, what are you going to do, it's not forced. But what is certain is that SOEs as of today have not provided their sponsors," he said.

Meanwhile, the preparation process for Formula E has reached 90 percent. In fact, 22 racers will arrive in Jakarta on Thursday, June 2.

"Thursday, the racers will go to their respective paddock to prepare supporting facilities for the race on Friday's trial, but not the track test, yes. He is only to adjust the electronics and support for the event on June 4," said Sahroni.

Previously reported, Sahroni admitted that his party asked BUMN Minister Erick Thohir to provide sponsorship from BUMN companies for the implementation of Formula E. "I and the organizing team really hope that BUMN will provide sponsors," said Sahroni.

Sahroni sees that this state-owned company needs to participate in the financing of Formula E. This is because the electric car race is an international event broadcast in various countries.

Sahroni also admitted that he had met Erick Thohir directly after President Jokowi's review of the Formula E circuit some time ago.

"On May 9, after the president came on Thursday, Monday I went to Mr. Erick to submit a proposal. But to this day there has been no feedback," said Sahroni.