PKB Accepts Coalition Offers From All Parties, With The Condition That The Presidential Candidate Is Muhaimin

JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the National Awakening Party (PKB) DPP Muhaimin Iskandar said his party would initiate a new axis of political party coalition because according to him the coalition that had been formed had not yet appeared to be mature.

"PKB has the opportunity to form a new coalition, because there is no mature (coalition). So, everything is still possible," said Muhaimin, quoting Antara, Wednesday, June 1.

Muhaimin said this was related to the United Indonesia Coalition which was formed by three political parties, namely the Golkar Party, the United Development Party (PPP), and the National Mandate Party (PAN).

In addition, the coalition's efforts were also seen after Gerindra Party DPP chairman Prabowo Subianto met NasDem Party DPP chairman Surya Paloh at the Nasdem Tower Building, Gondangdia, Central Jakarta, Wednesday.

Muhaimin assessed that so far the political dynamics are still very fluid and there is not yet a very mature and strong coalition, so that everything can still change.

He said PKB is open to forming a coalition with any political party. However, he said, this was with a note that the PKB set a higher bargaining position regarding the proposals of presidential candidates (candidates) in any coalition, including in KIB.

"Yes, I am the presidential candidate. If their presidential candidate is not me, then of course I will not join them," he said.

Until now, he added, there has been no figure other than himself who has publicly stated that he will run as a presidential candidate. However, Muhaimin will open a discussion with the general chairmen of the political parties to discuss the possibility of a coalition, before a decision is made on who the presidential candidate will be.

He said his party was also in communication with the PDI-P and the Gerindra Party. However, until now the communication has only been limited to ordinary discussions and there has been no final conclusion, said the Deputy Speaker of the DPR.