Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution Challenges REI To Build Floating Houses In Belawan

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution gave a challenge to Real Estate Indonesia (REI) North Sumatra to build a floating house to deal with tidal flooding in Medan Belawan District.

"We challenged the North Sumatra REI to help complete the construction in Belawan. We are currently carrying out the construction of floating houses in areas often hit by tidal floods," said Bobby Nasution in Medan, Tuesday, May 31.

If this challenge can be implemented, continued Bobby Nasution, the Medan City Government will provide assistance in the form of permits, and even in the form of incentives for floating houses.

The Mayor of Medan said that the construction of floating houses that will be carried out does not mean that the Medan City Government does not want to solve the problem of tidal flooding which is a natural cycle.

Because from the results of the inspection carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, he explained, if you build a sea wall you need a foundation of up to 60 meters to the seabed.

"If you build a levee to deal with tidal flooding, it will reach 60 meters. That's just the foundation. So it's very inefficient," he said.

Even so, the Medan City Government plans to build two points for this year's tidal flood mitigation in the coastal area of Belawan.

"In the near future, if we can together with REI North Sumatra, we will take action immediately. Apart from proper housing and a healthy environment, the construction of floating houses can also overcome tidal flooding," said Bobby.

The chairman of the North Sumatra REI DPD, Andi Atmoko Panggabean, said that his party was very ready to realize floating houses to overcome the problem of tidal flooding in the North Medan area, especially in Belawan.

"The floating house programmed by Mr. Bobby Nasution, will certainly be a solution to the problem of tidal flooding. This is a big challenge for us, and we are ready to help the Medan City Government. Hopefully it will be realized soon," he said.