Down 4 Percent, Stunting Rate In Central Jakarta Now Reaches 3 Percent

JAKARTA - Head of the Central Jakarta Health Sub-department, Erizon Safari, stated that the number of stunting or malnutrition sufferers in Central Jakarta decreased compared to the previous year.

"We have succeeded in reducing the number of stunting cases. Previously, stunting cases were raised by 7 percent. This year it has reached 3 percent," said Erizon when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, May 31.

Erizon said the decrease in the number of cases was due to the efforts of a number of Regional Apparatus Work Units (UKPD) who worked together in overcoming stunting. Currently, Central Jakarta is below the national target of touching 14 percent.

"We have 3 percent, we will try to reduce it even smaller. If the national target reaches 14 percent," he said.

Erizon explained, there are several factors that can cause stunting. Such as economic factors, environmental cleanliness and the availability of clean water.

"There are many factors that can cause stunting, so it's not just the economy, but there are other factors as well," said Erizon.