Members Of The Mosque Council In Central Sulawesi Asked To Give Benefits To The Community

PARIGI MOUTONG - General Chairperson of the Regional Leadership of the Indonesian Mosque Council (PW DMI) of Central Sulawesi Province Ahmad M Ali stated that DMI in the Central Sulawesi region must provide great benefits to the community. great benefit to the people," said Ahmad M Ali in his remarks at the inauguration of the DMI Regional Leadership in Parigi Moutong Regency, Tuesday 31 May. Sigi, Donggala and Parigi Moutong. In Palu City, Ahmad M Ali appointed Sirajuddin Ramli as chairman, in Sigi Agus Lamakarate was appointed as chairman. Then, Idham Pagaluma was inaugurated as Chairman of PD DMI Donggala and Abdul Rauf Moutong of DMI Parigi Moutong. Ahmad Ali emphasized that the inaugurated administrators should immediately make positive breakthroughs, to realize the vision of prospering and prospering the mosque, so that the community can receive great benefits. "DMI's task is to prosper mosques, this task is difficult to realize if it does not start by opening up to build synergies with many parties," said Ahmad M Ali. -each area to jointly develop the function of the mosque. "Multi-stakeholder collaboration is the key word, collaboration is very important in the prosperity of the mosque," said Matu, Ahmad M Ali's nickname.
Ahmad Ali is preparing several implementation programs of the vision of realizing the vision of prospering and prospering mosques through a mosque function development approach. Ahmad Ali is currently preparing a mosque transformation program called the Mart Mosque which is an approach to mosque-based economic empowerment of the people. only a place of worship, but also a laboratory for developing the quality and capacity of the people, as well as building the welfare of the people.