Tarakan Kodim Ciduk Fake TNI Members Who Extorted Citizens

TARAKAN - Members of Kodim 0907/Tarakan arrested a man with the initials F (35) disguised as a member of the TNI who is suspected of extorting people in Tarakan. "Eight days ago, residents reported to the Kodim that someone claimed to be Babinsa. begging at places to eat, shops and residents. When we checked, it turned out that he was not a babinsa," said Acting and Unit Kodim 0907/Tarakan, Inf. Lt. One Skip Village Village, Central Tarakan District. After that, he was immediately taken to the 0907/Tarakan Military Command to be held accountable for his actions. In the action, F admitted to being a member of the TNI and asked the residents for some money. Kodim 0907/Tarakan, it turned out that the man with the initials F was a civilian who claimed to be a babinsa. Then Kodim 0907/Tarakan personnel rushed to secure the fake babinsa, after receiving information from residents about the whereabouts of the perpetrator. One Skip and finally F was caught without a fight. Henceforth, the man was handed over to the Tarakan Police for further investigation. F, who previously worked as a cook, was suspected of extorting a number of residents. In fact, it is very detrimental to the image of the TNI institution.

Even the information obtained by perpetrator F also claimed to be a Marine from the Navy and Babinkamtibmas. "There is no violence, but there is extortion. Many have been extorted, including money, goods from the public. If there is no misuse of TNI attributes, there are institutions. (F ) on behalf of the Kodim 0907/Tarakan and the babinsa," he continued. The perpetrators were desperate to admit that they were members of the TNI because they wanted to get money easily. A number of places where their actions were often explored were Kampung 1, Kampung 6, restaurants, residents' houses and seaweed farmers. Lt. Col. Inf. Reza Fajar Lesmana hopes that all residents of Tarakan City will not easily trust individuals who claim to be TNI soldiers. Because it is possible, the perpetrators who use the TNI institutions are usually people who are good at communicating.