Woman Found Dead Drowning In Swimming Pool In Canggu Bali

BADUNG - A woman with the initials NNT (71) was found dead in a swimming pool at an inn in the Canggu area, Badung, Bali.

"She allegedly died because she drowned in a swimming pool", said Head of Public Relations of the Badung Police, Bali, Iptu Ketut Sudana, Monday, May 30.

The worker at the inn claimed to have seen the victim floating in the swimming pool at around 07.15 WITA.

"Knowing this, the witness then reported to the owner and jointly checked the truth of the information, after it was confirmed that the victim had died, the witness reported the incident to the North Kuta Police", said Iptu Sudana.

The police who received the report went to the scene of the incident together with the Badung Police Inafis team.

The victim is known not to be registered as a guest staying at the inn.

"The victim drowned in the pool (deep) two meters. The victim was taken to Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, using an ambulance from PMI Badung Regency", he said.