Agam Regency Government Deploys A Team To Supervise Livestock Markets To Prevent PMK

LUBUKBASUNG - The government of Agam Regency, West Sumatra has deployed a joint team to monitor and monitor cattle in a number of livestock markets in the area to prevent the foot and mouth disease (PMK) virus. , Monday, said a joint team from the Puskeswan Quick Reaction Unit Team, Agam Agriculture Service, Agam Satpol PP monitored and supervised the Lubukbasung Livestock Market on Sunday 29 May. After that, the team socialized prevention so that cows do not contract FMD and do not spread to other cows. In addition to monitoring and supervising livestock in the market, the Agam Regency Government formed a PMK Task Force to coordinate the control of FMD in the field. Then, formed a Quick Response Unit Team for each -each Puskeswan with the main task of following up on community reports related to PMK disease, report daily on the development of cases (suspect, confirm, sick, recover, die and be forced to cut). "Currently, the URC team of each Puskeswan is working optimally and early disease reports will accelerate the healing of the disease because it will be handled immediately," he said, quoted by Antara.

In addition, preparing livestock medicines and supporting equipment for controlling PMK and holding joint meetings between the Regional Secretary, Fotkopimda and related agencies. Currently, there are a total of 144 cows suspected of having FMD in the area and 10 samples sent to the Bukittinggi Viterinary Office. It is possible that the number of cows suspected of having FMD will increase, because the Agam Rapid Response Unit Team reports daily findings of cattle suspected of having FMD.