Arrest Drug Dealer, Baubau Police Securs 3 Packages Of Suspected Sabu

SULTRA - Baubau Police arrested a man with the initials UJ (27) suspected of being a drug dealer and user of methamphetamine. From the hands of the perpetrators, 3 packages of suspected methamphetamine weighing 0.82 grams were secured.

Head of the Public Relations Section of the Baubau Police, Iptu Abdul Rahmat, said the perpetrators were arrested in front of the Heroes Cemetery in Kadolokatapi Village, Baubau City, North Sulawesi (Sultra), on Wednesday, May 25, at around 01.30 WITA.

"The chronology of the initial disclosure was on May 25, 2022 at around 01.00 WITA, members of the Narcotics Satres of the Baubau Police were on patrol and met with the reported party. Then the officers suspected that the reported party had a package of methamphetamine and immediately conducted an examination and search, but no evidence was found," he said in a statement. written statement, Friday, May 27.

It didn't stop there, UJ, who is a resident of Bataraguru Village, Wolio District, Baubau City, was questioned by officers. The reported cell phone was also checked.

From there, said Abdul, it was known that the perpetrator had stored or pasted five packets of crystal granules in front of the hero's graveyard.

"Then the reported party was immediately taken away to find packages that were previously stored or pasted. And it was true that three packages were found, each of which was found in different places but not far apart," he said.

Furthermore, the reported together with the evidence were secured at the Baubau Police for further legal proceedings.

As for the evidence that was secured from the perpetrators, namely 3 packages of plastic sachets containing clear crystals suspected of being methamphetamine weighing 0.82 grams along with the packaging, 3 pieces of blue pipettes, Rp 185 thousand in cash, and 1 unit of HP Vivo Y12 red and black.

Currently, the perpetrators and evidence have been secured at the Baubau Police and the perpetrators will be subject to Article 114 paragraph (2) and/or Article 112 paragraph (1) subsidiary Article 127 paragraph (1) letter a, RI Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of punishment. maximum 20 years in prison