2 XTC-RPM Motorcycle Gang Members Who Persecuted Residents In Cirebon Arrested By Police

CIREBON - Cirebon Police Satreskrim, West Java, arrested two members of a motorcycle gang suspected of persecuting residents. Police are still looking for other perpetrators who are troubling the public.

"These two suspects are from two different motorcycle gangs, both of whom committed violence," said Cirebon Police Chief Kombes Arif Budiman, quoted by Antara, Friday, May 27.

Arif said the two arrested motorcycle gang members were proven to have abused residents, as well as other motorcycle gang members, because they were involved in a brawl.

According to him, the two motorcycle gang members belong to the XTC and RPM groups. For the XTC member with the initials TGR, the person concerned has abused him using a sharp weapon.

"The victim was seriously injured, and he was just caught, because he ran away," he said.

Meanwhile, another person with the initials S, who is a member of the RPM motorcycle gang, was involved in molestation and beatings.

Suspect S, continued Arif, often provoked by challenging other motorcycle gangs to a duel, and also often targeted the general public who did not know anything.

"As a result of the actions of the two suspects who are members of a motorcycle gang, we are snaring Article 170 of the Criminal Code with the threat of imprisonment for more than five years," he said.

Arif said that at this time, the party was eradicating motorcycle gangs that carried out acts and disrupted order, as well as disturbing the community.

"We continue to eradicate and sweep motorcycle gangs that disturb order and security," he said.