Gerindra Must Form A Coalition With PDIP If Prabowo Wants To Win The 2024 Presidential Election

JAKARTA - Political parties are already preparing to form a coalition to meet the 2024 presidential election. It is predicted that there will be three axes if PKB really joins NasDem and Democrats.

Meanwhile, the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB), which was initiated by Golkar, PPP and PAN, is ready to take the floor in the five-year contest. KIB is just waiting for PKS if you want to enter.

Meanwhile, Gerindra is reported to be more intimate with PDIP. Especially about the matchmaking of Prabowo Subianto and Puan Maharani.

On the other hand, the Gerindra Party continues to support the general chairman running again to become a presidential candidate. Moreover, support for Prabowo has been echoed by a number of circles, recently from the Greater Indonesia Retired Association (PPRI).

So, will Prabowo win in his third attempt this time?

In response, a political expert from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Adi Prayitno, believes that Prabowo and Gerindra must completely change their strategy in the 2024 presidential election competition if they want to advance and win.

"If Prabowo wants to run again, it must be thoroughly evaluated. Losing the presidential candidate means losing everything. Starting from strategy, winning team, and so on," Adi said in Jakarta, Friday, May 27.

According to him, Gerindra and Prabowo should no longer face PDIP. Because the bull party has proven superior and defeated Prabowo twice in a row.

"Prabowo as much as possible can avoid going head to head with PDIP champions. Whatever the title, PDIP has been tested and proven to beat Prabowo twice," explained Adi.

Adi reminded that only PDIP could beat Prabowo twice. In fact, PDIP has been able to orbit President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to become president twice as well. "It is very necessary to form a coalition with PDIP. What has been proven to be able to beat Prabowo twice is only PDIP. PDIP can polish Jokowi to be big," he said.

Meanwhile, previously, the daily chairman of the Gerindra Party, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, revealed that his party did not want to rush to form a coalition.

"We don't want to rush things and we'll see how things go," Dasco said in a video caption, Thursday, May 26. Dasco said the Gerindra Party is currently still consolidating and communicating between parties. "If we are still consolidating, we are still exploring each other between parties," he concluded.