Isa Almasih Ascension Holiday, Bogor Peak Route Applies Odd-even Until Tomorrow Sunday

JAKARTA - The Bogor Police Traffic Unit has imposed an odd-even (gage) in the Puncak area to anticipate traffic congestion during the Ascension of Isa Almasih holiday.

This information is known from the upload of the official Instagram account of the Traffic Management Center of the Bogor Police on Wednesday, May 25.

"The implementation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number PM 84 of 2021, the implementation of the odd-numbered vehicle registration number on the Puncak tourist route," wrote the account @tmcpolresbogor.

Gage in the Puncak area is in effect from today until the evening of Sunday 29 May. Traffic engineering is often applied in the Puncak area to anticipate an increase in traffic volume.

The exceptions for the gage are fire engines, ambulances, hearses, TNI/Polri service vehicles, public transportation, logistics or basic necessities, and other emergency conditions.

However, the Bogor Police Traffic Unit did not provide information on the sanctions that would be applied to gage violators in the Puncak Bogor area.