Sultan HB X Reminds The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Not Over

YOGYAKARTA - The Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X reminded his citizens that the current pandemic is not over, although the daily cases of COVID-19 in the province have decreased.

"As long as this pandemic (status) has not been revoked, where we are still at (PPKM) level 2, it means it is still a pandemic," said the Sultan at the Kepatihan complex, Yogyakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 24.

According to the Sultan, the absence of additional daily COVID-19 cases in Yogyakarta on Monday (23/5) only indicated that the situation of corona transmission had decreased.

"The condition is already sloping but we can't say Yogyakarta is endemic. That's not allowed because the provisions that can say it's endemic are WHO. We're only talking slopingly," he said.

Thus, according to the King of the Yogyakarta Palace, health protocols must still be applied, including wearing masks even though they will be at PPKM level 1.

"If level 1 is freer, but level 1 is still a pandemic. In a situation where people are released, it is not said to be endemic, meaning they still 'hang out' (wear) masks," said Ngarsa Dalem, who is called Sultan HB X.

Previously, the Yogyakarta Regional Government recorded five regencies/cities in this province with zero additional COVID-19 cases on Monday (23/5).

However, on Tuesday (24/5) the daily cases of COVID-19 in Yogyakarta increased again by six cases bringing the total confirmed cases to 220,647 cases.