5 Cows In Rokan Hulu Riau Confirmed PMK, All Livestock Localized

RIAU - Five cows belonging to residents of Pasir Jaya Village, Rambah Hilir District, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province, have been confirmed to be exposed to mouth and nail disease (PMK).

The findings of the local Livestock, Fisheries and Plantation Service (Disnakbun) will be followed up. Residents who have livestock in the area are asked to be aware of the transmission.

"We found five cows belonging to residents in Pasir Jaya Village, Rambah Hilir Sub-district, were positively exposed to the mouth and nail disease virus," said Head of the Rokan Hulu Regency Disnakbun, Agung Nugroho, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 24.

He said, based on clinical examination, the five cows had the characteristics of being exposed to the FMD virus based on information from the Ministry of Agriculture.

Some of the clinical characteristics of these cattle, namely weight loss, reduced milk production, fingernails with spots, peeling skin like canker sores, mouth and tongue affected by canker sores.

Furthermore, the throat turns black or reddish in color, experiences hypersalivation or excessive salivation, mucus comes out in the nose, high fever, and decreased appetite.

He said the findings were also confirmed based on the results of laboratory examinations received from the Laboratory of Veterinary Center for Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra.

Based on these findings, the Disnakbun of Rokan Hilir Regency has taken quick steps so that this virus does not spread to other livestock either in Pasir Jaya Village or other areas so that it does not become an epidemic, one of which is localizing all livestock in the village.

"We have coordinated with the police and local village officials so that for the time being livestock in Pasir Jaya Village are not sold to outside Pasir Jaya Village, as well as animals from outside do not enter Pasir Jaya Village first. He received treatment and his condition continues to improve," he said.

In addition, Disnakbun will hold a coordination meeting with the police, DPRD, meat entrepreneurs, slaughterhouses (RPH), cattle breeders and other elements to agree on the handling of PMK that has been found in Rokan Hulu.

One of the things that will be discussed at the meeting, namely the possibility of implementing a policy of animal isolation (four-legged) from outside the area for a while, so that FMD does not become an epidemic like in some other areas.

Considering that Eid al-Adha is approaching, where demand for livestock meat is increasing, the Disnakbun also immediately held a meeting with mosque administrators and the sacrificial committee to socialize the characteristics of PMK, so that the sacrificial committee does not buy sacrificial animals affected by this disease.

"We have also prepared a complaint number to mobile number 081372855748 which can be contacted by farmers if their livestock suffers from diseases with FMD characteristics," he said.

Farmers are advised not to worry about reporting to the Disnakbun if livestock are exposed to FMD because the Disnakbun will not exterminate animals suspected of having FMD. Livestock exposed to FMD will be treated.