Report To DPR, BPK Reveals Rp31 Trillion Problem In State Money Management In IHPS II 2021

JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) today officially submitted the Summary of Semester II Examination Results (IHPS) 2021 to the Chair of the House of Representatives.

Head of BPK Isma Yatun said that the 2021 IHPS II revealed 4,555 findings containing 6,011 problems amounting to Rp. 31.34 trillion.

"This report presents the results of monitoring on the implementation of follow-up to recommendations on examination results, settlement of state/regional compensation, and utilization of results of investigative examinations, calculation of state losses, and provision of expert statements," he said in a press statement on Tuesday, May 24.

According to Isma, there were 3,173 problems related to ineffectiveness, inefficiency, and ineffectiveness (3E) amounting to Rp1.64 trillion.

Then, 1,720 problems were non-compliance with the provisions of laws and regulations amounting to Rp29.70 trillion. And 1,118 problems related to the weakness of the internal control system (SPI).

He revealed that in the case of 3E, 95.9 percent or 3,043 problems were ineffectiveness equivalent to Rp.218.56 billion.

Then, there are 127 problems of inefficiency of Rp.1.42 trillion, and 3 problems of inefficiency of Rp.1.59 billion.

IHPS II 2021 also contains the results of a thematic examination of two national priorities according to the Government's 2021 Work Plan, namely strengthening economic resilience and developing human resources.

“The thematic examinations consist of 256 performance checks and 38 compliance checks carried out on 35 central government audit objects, 256 regional government audit objects, and 3 BUMN audit objects. In this thematic examination, BPK revealed 2,427 findings with 2,805 problems amounting to Rp20.23 trillion," he said.

Furthermore, Isma explained that the results of the examination of national priorities for strengthening economic resilience revealed problems. First, the policy for the implementation of licensing services at the Ministry of Home Affairs has not been fully formulated and stipulated in accordance with the Job Creation Law and its derivatives.

Second, the verification mechanism and application management information system have not been able to guarantee the eligibility of PC-PEN tax incentive recipients. In addition, the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) does not yet have a centralized coordinating function in the management of tax incentives or facilities.

Meanwhile, the results of the examination of national priorities for HR development revealed problems, including the pre-employment card program assistance to 119,494 participants amounting to Rp289.85 billion at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, which indicated that it was not on target.

Then, the allocation of the COVID-19 vaccine, logistics, and infrastructure have not yet fully used the calculation basis in accordance with the latest developments in conditions and or analysis of the situation.

"It is important for us to emphasize that BPK continues to work hard to encourage the realization of effective, accountable and transparent state financial management in accordance with the provisions of legislation and best international practices," concluded BPK Chairman Isma Yatun.