Local Cosmetics And Skincare Business Is Thriving, Here's How The New KLT Still Exists And Survives Amidst Market Competition

JAKARTA - KLT New is a local beauty brand from Surabaya that is currently in demand by consumers and is able to compete in the cosmetic product market, and is offered at affordable prices. Because business doesn't always run smoothly, Gladys KLT and Mirza Denovan, owners of KLT New told about KLT New's journey before reaching the current point.

"From my job as a salesperson, I saw high interest and demand from consumers for skincare and cosmetic products. That's why I saw an opportunity and had an idea to make my own product. KLT was born which I built with my husband, Mirza Denovan. But business struggles we weren't smooth. When KLT sales started to peak in 2015, KLT was hampered by a cream production permit. Alhamdulillah, in 2016 KLT got the BPOM permit and made KLT sales start to be successful again and made resellers feel sales success. Now it's a New KLT with more products good and quality for consumers," said Gladys KLT to the media.

Successfully stealing the hearts of consumers with products that are of high quality but still pocket-friendly, Gladys KLT explains how KLT Nws continues to exist and survive in the midst of competition from local cosmetic brands.

"KLT New will continue to innovate to add product variations according to customer needs. In addition to always updating promos that are always present, KLT New also provides customer care to handle customer questions and complaints," explained Gladys KLT.

By carrying out the renewal, KLT New (@newkltofficial) wants to become a local beauty brand that is getting better, liked and accepted by consumers. This step begins with several new products that will be launched this year.

"In addition to the products that are currently being sold, later KLT New will launch new, more varied products such as foundation, face mist tightening, face gel, serum variants, new packages such as the Black Series and many more. Apart from skincare, KLT New also will launch bodycare products such as shower gel, body cream, peeling spray. We will also launch hair treatment products, beauty & healthy drinks and dietary supplements. New KLT products for men will also be present. Stay tuned at @newkltofficial. ," said Gladys KLT.

With the plan to launch many products, Gladys KLT stated that she will continue to maintain the main values that distinguish KLT New from other local beauty brands.

"KLT New will continue to focus on quality. Whatever we put out must be safe in terms of ingredients. Prices are also affordable. There is an approach to the customer to deal with the customer. The response is also fast. For example yesterday, KLT products were faked by irresponsible people. Thank God the person was caught "Our response must also be fast. So that it doesn't happen again, we are increasing distribution supervision, quality control and socialization to distinguish genuine and fake KLT New products through our Instagram, @newkltofficial," said Gladys KLT.

There will be many breakthroughs in 2022, Gladys KLT also reveals a little @newkltofficial's marketing strategy.

"After many products are launched and the product choices are getting more diverse, KLT New will try KOL (Key Opinion Leader) Marketing such as an endorsement system to several public figures on social media. Not only that, KLT New also has a target to collaborate with other brands beyond beauty products," concluded Gladys.