Bandar Lampung City Government Prepares IDR 3.4 Billion To Pay Cleaning Workers Who Don't Receive 2 Months Salary

BANDAR LAMPUNG - The salary of cleaning staff at the City Government (DLH) Department of Environment (DLH) of Bandar Lampung City Government (Pemkot) is in arrears for two months.

The Acting Head of the Regional Asset Management and Financial Management Agency (BPKAD) of Bandar Lampung City, Muhamad Nur Ram'dhan, promised that his party would immediately pay off the arrears.

"After we receive the application for disbursement from the DLH, a process will be carried out and the arrears of salaries will be paid immediately," said Nur Ram'dhan in Bandar Lampung, Monday, May 23.

He revealed that his party had prepared a budget of around Rp. 3.4 billion to pay the salary for the cleaning fee at DLH which had been in arrears for two months.

"There is a delay in paying salaries because the budget is indeed lacking. Even the salaries of other honorary workers have not been paid for two months. But we will prioritize those in DLH, while others will follow," he said.

He said that the search for honorary salaries for cleaning staff at DLH will be carried out on Tuesday, May 24 after the disbursement file has been processed as directed by the Mayor of Bandar Lampung.

"The files just came in today. So when these files are finished processing, we will directly distribute the salary to them," he said.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of the Bandar Lampung Environment Agency, Riana Afrilia, revealed that the payment of honorary salaries for cleaning staff was delayed due to the drastic decline in local revenue (PAD) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"So there is indeed a delay in paying salaries, but we all know that it is due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. But this is being processed, God willing, it will be paid," he said.