So That It Doesn't Become Poison, Pay Attention To The 7 Right Ways To Store Food In The Refrigerator

YOGYAKARTA – The right way to store food, you need to know. The reason is, setting the temperature that is not right can make bacteria have the potential to grow. When it's less cold, according to Lawrence Goodridge, chair of Food Safety at McGill University, bacteria can multiply in just 20 minutes.

Suggestions from a number of experts, reported by Reader's Digest, here are ways that can be practiced in storing food in the refrigerator.

1. Use a thermometer

Burgers are usually cooked at 71 degrees Celsius, which means you need to use a thermometer to store the meat properly. If you like cooking medium rare meat, the meat can be cooked at 63 degrees Celsius.

2. Let the food sit for 2 hours before putting it in the fridge

If you're cooking food for the next few days, let it sit for 2 hours at room temperature before refrigerating it. This also applies to pizza, rice, and vegetables. Before eating it, after being stored in the refrigerator, preheat it to a temperature of 74 degrees Celsius. Because food that is eaten cold without being reheated can be very toxic in the microwave.

Illustration of how to properly store food in the refrigerator (iStockphoto)
3. Note the expiration date

On the outside of the refrigerator door, it's a good idea to put notes on when to store food and when the food expires. When you are going to cook the meat, first thaw it at room temperature. Or if you neutralize it, soak it in cold water.

4. Wash your hands before accessing the contents of the refrigerator

Hands are prone to carrying E.coli bacteria, so it is advisable to wash your hands first before accessing the contents of the refrigerator. Whether taking or putting food in the refrigerator, make sure your hands are clean. So, if you store playdough in the refrigerator, be careful. It is also necessary to ensure that the material does not contain bacteria or must be packaged tightly so that bacteria do not spread to food.

5. Wash the fish under running water before entering the refrigerator

Fish or chicken, need to be washed with running water so that the bacterial contamination is removed. Types of foodstuffs from furry or scaly animals, can carry salmonella. So wash your hands and wash these foodstuffs until they are clean so they don't contaminate other foods.

6. Know the growth of bacteria

Foodborne bacteria, can actually be recognized. Like salmonella, it will appear on food after 1-3 days. Meanwhile, E. coli bacteria develop after 1-10 days. Therefore, you still need to keep the refrigerator sterile in addition to recording what foods and ingredients are stored in the refrigerator.

7. Don't rely on the smell test

Rotten food or ingredients will emit an unpleasant odor. But avoid relying on odor tests, because every food has rules for use. If it exceeds the rules of use, do not consume it.

According to Goodridge, no smell does not guarantee the food can be eaten. Try to eat leftovers within 2-3 days to avoid food poisoning.