Buleleng Regent Calls Seririt Fishing Festival An Event For Fisheries And Tourism Development

BALI - The Regent of Buleleng, Bali, Putu Agus Suradnyana hopes that the "Seririt Fishing Festival" event will support the development of the fisheries and tourism sectors.

"This fishing festival is a well-known tourism activity and has many enthusiasts," said Agus Suradnyana, quoted from Antara, Sunday, May 22.

He also asked for the fishing festival in Seririt District to be carried out more carefully.

"Not just once, it must be sustainable. Look for good fish flow seasons. Invite participants well in advance. Look for a good location and day, so they can get lots of fish, so they are happy to come here," said Suradnyana.

When attended by many participants, according to him, the festival can be held in several categories, ranging from traditional boats to larger boats from outside the area, with longer fishing distances. With a larger scale, the positive impact is certainly more leverage.

"This will have direct implications for how we move the economic and tourism sectors. Of course, it will also provide an opportunity for our brothers and sisters to turn the wheels of the economy," said Suradnyana.

His party invites all parties, from village and sub-district governments to the community to continue to oversee the progress of Buleleng Regency.

With his term of office coming to an end, Agus Suradnyana wants to continue to contribute to the prosperity of the people of Buleleng Regency.

"I will soon end my term of office. With humility, I want to continue to be with you ladies and gentlemen to guard and contribute to Buleleng. In order to continue to progress, be enthusiastic, and generate hope," he said.

The chairman of the PDI-P Buleleng DPC added that this fishing festival activity was very good as an effort to rise from the pandemic.

He hopes that by hosting tourism activities, more young people will want to live in Buleleng in the future.

"If in the future we can host tourism activities, it will certainly have an economic impact on our community. It will be an impetus with very broad implications. Our younger siblings will stay and do activities in the village, empowering the village," he said.

Suradnyana also expressed his appreciation for the committee who initiated the "Seririt Fishing Festival".

"Hopefully this festival can have a positive impact on tourism in Buleleng. Also, the widest possible economic impact for improving people's welfare," concluded Suradnyana.