Bus Driver Who Escaped After Deadly Accident In Ciamis Wanted By Police

CIAMIS - Ciamis Police are still hunting for a tourist bus driver who crashed into a vehicle and a resident's house in Panumbangan, Ciamis Regency, West Java.

"Until now it has not been found," said Head of the Traffic Unit of the Ciamis Police, AKP Zainul Arifin in Ciamis, Sunday.

Zainul said the tourist bus driver had been taken to the Panjalu Health Center to get medical treatment after the accident.

The bus driver was then referred to the Ciamis Regional General Hospital (RSUD).

"At (Hospital) Ciamis, after we searched there was nothing," said Zainul.

Regarding the kernet bus, he said, it has been secured which is currently undergoing further investigation, and his party is still investigating the crime scene.

Zainul added that his party had not been able to determine the cause of the accident that killed four people and injured dozens of people.

"We will reveal it as soon as we collect sufficient data and evidence," he said.

Previously, a tourism bus carrying a group of pilgrims had an accident on Jalan Raya Payungsari, Pari Hamlet, Payungsari Village, Panumbangan District, Ciamis Regency, Saturday evening, May 21.

It was previously reported that a tourist bus crash carrying a pilgrim from Balaraja, Tangerang, had a fatal accident at Tanjakan Balas, Panumbangan, Ciamis Regency, Saturday evening, May 21.

In that incident, four people died and dozens were injured.