Had Confused Residents, Turns Out Carrion Flowers Grow In The Yard

JAMBI - The Rafflesia flower or known as the corpse flower grows in the yard of a coastal resident to be precise RT 02, Suak Labu Village, Kuala Betara District, West Tanjungjabung Regency (Tanjabbar), Jambi.

"The rafflesia flower was first found growing in the yard of Ali's house, the head of RT 02 of Suak Labu Village. At first the residents smelled the pungent smell of carrion but finally found the source of the corpse flower or raflesia," said Ali's wife, Muslikah, quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 22.

She said that her husband first found the corpse flower on Wednesday, May 18. At that time her husband was going to take plastic to throw out the garbage but when he saw there was a flower that had grown big.

"At first I didn't believe it when my husband told me that there was a strange flower growing next to his house," she said.

He explained that the flower always emits a pungent smell of carrion from the afternoon to the morning.

"In the evening, the smell is like the smell of carrion until the evening until morning," said Muslikah. According to him, after the flower went viral, many people came to his house to see the corpse flower. The people who came came from various places.

"There are people from Tungkal and its surroundings here, that's why I put a fence in the garden so it doesn't get damaged and die quickly," he said.

At this time, he said, the flower had begun to wither. The place where the flower comes out is a dumping ground for garbage and areca nut shells.

Muhamad Yasak, a visitor to the corpse flower, said that this was the first time he had seen the flower. That's why, he said, he came to the location to confirm the existence of flowers which are endemic to Bengkulu Province.

"This is the first time I saw this flower, it's a shame when I came here it had withered," he said.