Basarnas Finds Fisherman Lost Struck By Lightning While Fishing In Kolaka

KENDARI - Basarnas Kendari is searching for a fisherman named Suriadi (39) who was reported missing by lightning while fishing in the waters of Tahoa, Kolaka District, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi.

The head of Kendari Basarnas, Aris Sofingi, said that his party received information about the incident from one of the victims' families, named Idris Adam.

"We received information from Mr. Idris Adam, a family member of the victim who reported that a ship accident had occurred, namely one person fell from the longboat and was missing due to a lightning strike in the waters around Tahoa, Kolaka," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, May 20.

He conveyed that based on the report, at 17.45 WITA, the Kolaka SAR Post rescue team was dispatched to the last location of the victim's whereabouts.

"The team departed using a rescue car carrying a rubber boat unit along with other safety support equipment to provide SAR assistance," he said.

The victim was previously reported to be fishing with two friends named Firman (28) and Jasman (25) using a long boat around the waters of Tahoa at 2:45 pm.

However, at around 15.00 WITA the boat used by the three was struck by lightning causing them to fall into the sea where conditions at that time were heavy rain.

"Two people managed to survive while one person is missing. A search has been carried out but until the time this information was received at 17:35 WITA, the victim had not been found," said Aris.