5 Love Myths Couples Rarely Know

JAKARTA - Everyone has their own view of how "should" a sex session. These ideas may come from friends, movies, or even experiences you've had in past relationships.

Whatever the reasons that build your perception of the “perfect lovemaking session”, they may not all be true. Here are five of the most frequently heard sex myths.

Exciting sex must be spontaneous

This might happen when you and your partner recently got married. But as your marriage gets older, it's likely that you and your partner will find it increasingly difficult to find time to relax, let alone think about sex.

Daily activities start to interfere with sex moments, such as work and children, making it difficult for you to have spontaneous sex like in the movies.

Sex is an exciting and fun thing, even when you plan it. Many couples find it helpful to plan sex at least once a week. For that, it could not hurt you to try it.

Great sex should last for hours

This is probably the correct opinion if done by those in the adult film industry. But sex in reality only lasts for 2-7 minutes.

It's not wrong if you want a longer sex session, but in the end, this duration is still very normal.

Maybe, if you combine foreplay and outercourse sessions, sex can be counted longer. However, most women need 20 minutes to reach orgasm, so it would be better if you and your partner focus on foreplay sessions.

Kiss is always on sex

This puts a lot of pressure on everyone. pressure on negative thoughts that will harm both parties.

Just because you're kissing, doesn't mean you have to be in touch with your partner right away. There's nothing wrong with starting things slowly, right?

In Metz and McCarthy's book Enduring Desire, research shows that the most satisfying sex is flexible and relaxing.

If orgasm doesn't happen, sex must be bad

No one is always successful orgasm every time they have sex. Expectations to have an orgasm every now and then will only lead to disappointment and unnecessary stress.

Sex is not only about orgasm, but closeness and connection. Just because you can't have an orgasm doesn't mean the sex has to be bad.

Many couples still enjoy satisfying sex sessions without having to orgasm, but the moment of affection and intimacy is what makes them satisfied. Try to enjoy the pleasures obtained.

Couples should know how to satisfy in bed

This is one of the most common myths in existence. Everyone feels that they have succeeded in satisfying their partner so they automatically believe that their partner must understand how to satisfy him.

Your partner can't read minds. Remember that you are responsible for your own satisfaction. Great couples are not born, they are taught.