BPKP Has This Proposal So It Can Overcome Poverty In The Village

JAKARTA - The Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) initiated a collaborative-based village supervision that aims to have a significant impact in overcoming poverty and increasing village independence.

"To maximize supervision, it is necessary to build a collaborative monitoring pattern and method," said Deputy Head of BPKP for Regional Administration Supervision, Raden Suhartono, Friday, May 20, quoted from Antara.

Raden said that to realize effective village financial management and have a significant impact on the community, there are various challenges. Among them, he said, financial management accountability still needs to be addressed, asset management which includes administrative regulations, inventory.

Then, he continued, it had not been utilized and there were no technical instructions or technical guidelines for monitoring comprehensive and thematic village financial management.

"This must be thought out and done collaboratively so that village supervision can be effective," he said. According to him, village supervision cannot be done alone, a collaborative supervision principle is needed by involving the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT). Then, he continued, he also collaborated with the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), the Coordinating Ministry for Human Empowerment and Culture (Kemenko PMK) and the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2TK).

"Through the 'One Village Data Information System', we can support mutual agreements and village 'dashboards' at the center," he said. This is important to avoid duplication of supervision," he said.