Regular Exercise But Not Producing The Desired Results? Know 7 Reasons

YOGYAKARTA – Exercise needs to be done regularly. Not a few people do it to achieve the desired results. But many people despair in the midst of their efforts because the results never get. So what causes it?

Reported by Men's Variety, Friday, May 20, exercise and taking care of the body is not a sprint. The results will be obtained slowly along with the stages that are added each time. Well, here are the reasons why you exercise regularly but don't see the desired changes.

1. Reformat the desired achievement

Everyone's body is different and exercise is made for real change. For example, if you exercise to lose weight, there will be different types of exercise for the purpose of increasing muscle mass. Every achievement takes time and avoid comparing yourself to others.

2. Consistency

Exercise is not about how quickly the body undergoes the expected changes. Exercise and fitness also need to be balanced with a lifestyle, such as living a consistently healthy lifestyle. That is, even if you exercise every day but still live a bad lifestyle, exercise will not get optimal results.

Illustration of exercise routine but not working (iStockphoto)
3. Unbalanced sports movements

Abdominal movements such as painful crunches are still not to be missed. Because balanced exercise helps the body get a holistic experience. So, do the movement in a balanced way so that your goal is in plain sight.

4. Rest time is too long

When you exercise, you need to give your 'everything'. Including paying attention to how often and how long to rest. Rest is fine, but make sure not to rest for 3 minutes and exercise again for 2 minutes.

5. Need to change routine

Something that doesn't work, needs updating. When you focus on exercising to lose weight, don't skip lifting weights to build muscle mass. Or maybe you need to do some cardio to get your whole body fresh again. If you do the same exercise regularly but it doesn't work, try making changes in the stage or type of exercise.

6. Add more recovery days

Too much exercise sounds like a good idea, but it really isn't. You need to give your body enough time to recover. The muscles then get time to relax and rebuild with more strength. For this reason, it is advisable to take a day or two of election time.

7. Lack of sleep and poor diet

Sleep habits also contribute to the results of your regular exercise routine. Get enough and quality sleep to let the body recover from fatigue and then refresh. Besides being caused by lack of sleep, a bad diet also affects the results you want to achieve with regular exercise.

Those are seven reasons why exercise doesn't work. Have you experienced it? If so, it's time to evaluate and change your lifestyle plans.