Sumo Highway Accident Bus Driver Becomes A Suspect

SURABAYA - East Java Regional Police Deputy Director AKBP Didit Bambang Wibowo, said bus driver PO Ardiansyah was named a suspect in the deadly Surabaya-Mojokerto toll road accident. The reserve driver was threatened with multiple layers of articles, both from negligence and intentional elements.

"Not only because of negligence, but because of the element of intent, and this is fatal," said Didit, in Surabaya, Thursday, May 19.

According to Didit, the status of the suspect was only determined by investigators today, considering the health condition of the driver. "So today, from the results of the title, the status has been upgraded from the witness to being a suspect," he said.

Didit admitted that he could not confirm what kind of narcotics Ade consumed while driving the deadly bus. Because further research is still being done, to explore the types of narcotics Ade consumed.

"We have done a urine test and a blood test. Now, this type is still being investigated. If the lab results are positive (using narcotics)," he said.

Didit explained, in this case his party has examined 9 witnesses consisting of passengers and non-passengers. The police have also presented three expert witnesses before actually upgrading the driver's status from witness to suspect.

As for the articles suspected of Ade are Article 310 paragraph 4 and Article 311 paragraph 5 concerning Traffic and Road Transportation. Didit also did not rule out other articles related to Ade's use of narcotics.

"So it is possible to be subject to multiple articles," said Didit.