Disbursing IDR 6.8 Billion, PLN Adds Capacitors At Puger Substations

JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) added capacitors at the Substation (GI) to improve the quality of voltage to consumers.

This was realized by completing the work on adding capacitors at the Puger Substation to improve the quality of the voltage to one of the high voltage consumers (KTT) PT Semen Imasco Asiatic with an installed power of 30 Megavolt Ampere (MVA).

The addition of these capacitors is useful for improving the quality of electric voltage for customers who are far from the power plant.

Prior to the addition of capacitors, the measured voltage was 143 kilo Volts (kV) after the operation of Capacitor 1, the voltage increased to 146 kV, resulting in an increase of approximately (+-2kV) according to system conditions.

General Manager of PLN UIT JBM Didik F Dakhlan said he would continue to strive to provide the best service to customers, one of which was KTT customers.

"With the addition of these capacitors, the electric voltage across all customers will certainly be more reliable, especially for Summit customers who use a lot of electronic machines in their production," he said in a statement to the media, Thursday, May 19.

Didik added that in this work, PLN spent an investment of IDR 6.8 billion.

The capacitor addition work will take 251 days from August 16, 2021, to April 23, 2022.

With the operation of this new capacitor, the voltage quality and reliability of the electrical system for Jember and its surroundings can run more optimally

"We do everything for the sake of better service to customers," continued Didik.

Meanwhile, the Manager of the Electrical Division of PT Semen Imasco Asiatic Chen Xiaolai admitted that after the addition of capacitors, the power voltage was more stable than before.

“We have been checking the voltage several times over a week. We also thank PLN for continuing to improve service to its customers," he said.

In addition to completing the capacitor addition project at the substation, PLN UIT JBM is currently preparing to energize IBT 5 GITET Krian 500/150 kV 3 x 166.7 MVA.

Several preparations were carried out online and on voltage, such as repairing the connecting line from one component to another (connection jumpers) which had been completed for 2 days (18-19/4) by deploying 10 personnel from the Work Under Voltage (PDKB) team.

The existence of this work is expected to accelerate the process of energizing IBT 5 GITET Krian and the reliability of the transmission system and the supply of electricity to customers can continue to be reliable.