Not Just Ustaz Abdul Somad, This United States Pastor Is Banned From Preaching In Singapore For Offending Muslims

JAKARTA - The uproar about Ustaz Abdul Somad (UAS)'s refusal to enter by the Singaporean authorities is still going on, with a similar thing previously experienced by a pastor from the United States.

Ustaz Abdul Somad was refused entry by the Singaporean authorities on 16 May, with the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore receiving information from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) saying that the refusal of entry was based on the reason 'not eligible to obtain entry permit based on immigration policy' (being ineligible for the issue of a pass under current immigration policies), according to a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Home Affairs of Singapore explained the reasons for banning Abdul Somad Batubara from entering its sovereign territory, one of which was because the ustaz from Indonesia was considered to be spreading extremist teachings and divisions.

"Somad is known to spread extremist teachings and divisions, which are unacceptable in Singapore's multiracial and multi-religious society," said the Ministry of Home Affairs in a written press statement responding to a diplomatic note sent by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding Abdul Somad's refusal to enter.

Last year, an American pastor, Lou Engle, was banned from preaching in Singapore by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), after offending Muslims in a sermon at a Singapore church in 2018.

Launching Mothership March 15 2019, MHA said Engle had been banned from preaching in Singapore. Engle had previously been asked by police to return to Singapore for interviews and investigations.

The MHA added that the police, in consultation with the Attorney General's Office, had issued a stern warning to Singaporean pastors who had been involved in applying for the Engle Miscellaneous Work Pass (MWP) under the Foreign Employment Employment Act.

Please note, foreign preachers who wish to preach here must have a Miscellaneous Work Pass (MWP) submitted in their name by the sponsor.

One of the pastors has been banned for a period of one year, since the warning was given, from sponsoring MWP applications for foreign religious preachers. As for the other pastors, MHA stated that he had apologized to the Mufti and local Muslim leaders for Pastor Engle's offensive comments.

In elaborating the considerations given to the selection of foreign preachers, MHA conveys the following: MHA will consider various factors, including statements and teachings of past foreign speakers.

MHA will also consider, among other things, the possibility of dissension and intolerance spreading among various religious communities, the possible damage and impact on social harmony and values, and the possibility that the person's statements could offend local communities.

Decisions are always made after considering the above factors and MHA will consider each application on its own merits.

In the case of foreign preachers who undermine social cohesion, they can expect action to be taken against them and their sponsors, such as being denied a work permit to engage in further religious activities in Singapore, or being barred from entering Singapore, in egregious cases.