Prosecutors Detain 2 Suspected Corruption Cases In KONI Padang

PADANG - The public prosecutor of the Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) District Attorney's Office has officially detained two suspects in the alleged misappropriation of Padang Indonesia National Sports Committee (KONI) grant funds with state losses of Rp 3.1 billion.

The two suspects are the Deputy Chair of KONI in 2018-2020 with the initials Dv, and Deputy Treasurer 1 of KONI NZ. They were detained after the prosecutor's office handed over the suspect and evidence from investigators to the prosecutor.

"Today, phase II was carried out in the alleged corruption case of KONI grant funds, we immediately detained the two suspects," said Head of Special Investigations Unit at the Padang Attorney General's Office, Therry Gutama, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 18.

Before being detained, the two suspects who were processed in one file underwent administrative and health checks at the Padang Kejari Office accompanied by their respective legal advisers.

After the examination, NZ and Dv were immediately taken to the Class IIB State Detention Center, Anak Air Padang, wearing the prosecutor's prison vest.

Actually, in this case there is one other suspect, namely the former chairman of KONI for the 2018-2020 period with the initials AS, but the person concerned did not come to meet the prosecutor's summons.

"For the suspect, the US did not fulfill the summons on the grounds of illness accompanied by a doctor's certificate delivered by his legal advisor," explained Head of Special Operations Special Unit Therry Gutama.

Against the US suspect, he continued, a further summons would be sent, if it is not fulfilled then forced efforts will be made.

Meanwhile, for the case process against Nz and DV, Therry said that the public prosecutor's team will immediately prepare an indictment so that the case can be transferred to court.

The Padang Attorney General's Office appointed ten prosecutors as the public prosecutor's team that handled the case, chaired by Budi Sastera who also served as Head of the General Criminal Section of the Padang Attorney General's Office.

Previously, the case was an alleged misappropriation of the Padang KONI Grant funds for the 2018 to 2020 fiscal year, based on the results of the audit it was revealed that the case had cost the state up to IDR 3.1 billion.

The suspects were charged with articles 2, 3, and 9, Juncto (Jo) 15, Jo 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, Juncto (Jo) of article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

Therry revealed that throughout the investigation process the Padang Attorney General's Office had examined more than 60 witnesses from the background of the Padang KONI management, sports branch administrators, and ASN at the local Youth and Sports Service. The Padang Attorney General's Office has also confiscated more than 200 documents as evidence.

He emphasized that the Padang Attorney General's Office will complete the case until it can be tried in court.