Police Headquarters Adopts Riau Regional Police Program To Build Members Involved In Drugs

JAKARTA - The National Police's Propam Division has adopted a training program for members of the police involved in drug abuse which was first implemented by the Riau Police. "This coaching program is a manifestation of the attention and concern of the National Police leadership for members who have problems for coaching," said the Head of the National Police's Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo in a written statement quoted by Antara, Monday, May 16.

Sambo explained that the purpose of fostering professional recovery is to train skills and self-control, so that Polri personnel suspected of being involved in drug abuse return to be productive and contribute to their families, communities and institutions. 12/5) ago. It is hoped that these activities will be carried out on an ongoing basis in order to rehabilitate and develop personnel so as not to repeat violations. Sambo emphasized that after coaching, if there are still members of the National Police who are involved in drug abuse or other violations, they will be given strict sanctions up to dismissal. at PTDH," he said.

According to Sambo, this professional recovery coaching program was carried out by the synergy between the Propam Police Division and the Brimob Corps led by the Brimob Dankor Inspector General Anang Revandoko. Previously, Sambo proposed to the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to increase the authority of the Propam Division to enforce the law against members of the Indonesian National Police who commit crimes. “The Propam Division not only conducts investigations on ethical and disciplinary violations, but can also enforce the law on alleged criminal acts committed by members of the National Police. So, Propam is more optimal in preventing and supervising Polri members," said Sambo, Thursday, February 3. Further guidance will be carried out at the Police Mobile Brigade Corps. Meanwhile, the Daily Chief of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) Benny Mamato appreciates the steps taken by the National Police Propam Division in recovering Polri members involved in drug abuse. According to him, this program is the first time the Riau Police has implemented this program. The members of the Police involved carried out training for 3 months at the Riau Police Satbrimob. In addition to the Riau Police, the Metro Jaya Police had also carried out a professional recovery coaching program for their members in early 2022. Now similar activities are being carried out by the Propam Police Division within the Police Headquarters, Polda Metro Jaya, Polda West Java and Polda Banten. “The program is called Rebintradition. The results are good, because the success rate is high, only very few fail later at PTDH,” said Benny, contacted separately.