Even Though It Is A Green Zone, The South Sumatra OKU Regency Government Continues To Intensify The COVID-19 Protest Raids

SUMSEL - The Government of Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra (South Sumatra), is intensifying the health protocol justice operation (prokes) to educate the public to always comply with the 5M prokes.

Head of the OKU Regency Government Civil Service Police Unit Agus Salim explained that the operation took place at a number of crowded points in Baturaja City.

"Even though currently OKU is zero COVID-19, the whole community still has to obey the health protocol, especially in Baturaja City," he said in Baturaja, quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 15.

In this activity, the task force team educates the public either directly or using a talk board to always comply with the 5M prokes, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, avoiding crowds, and reducing mobility when traveling outside the area.

He said that his party was doing this to prevent the spread of the Corona virus from spreading again in OKU Regency.

Even though the current status of OKU Regency is in the green zone, he said that his party is still working and trying to do prevention by raising public awareness in complying with the 5M program.

The public is asked not to neglect the rules set by the government so that COVID-19 does not spread again in OKU Regency.

"We will continue to be committed to implementing the health procedures so that OKU is completely free from the spread of COVID-19," he said.