Entering The Dry Season, One Hectare Of Land Burns In Aceh

BANDA ACEH - Forest and land fires (Karhutla) occurred again in the middle of the dry season which scorched about one hectare of land in the area of Gampong Dayah Baro, Krueng Sabee District, Aceh Jaya Regency.

"The final condition of the fire has been extinguished," said Head of the Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA) Ilyas through the Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) quoted by Antara, Saturday, May 14.

He explained that the land fire occurred around 16.30 WIB. The burned area is about 1 hectare. The cause of the fire is still under investigation by officials.

When receiving information on forest and land fires, said Ilyas, BPBD Aceh Jaya immediately dispatched a unit of the Calang Post fire fighting fleet to the scene to extinguish the fire.

So far, the firefighters have managed to extinguish the fire so it doesn't spread to other areas.

"Our efforts are to deploy one unit of the Calang Post Firefighters fleet, as well as one unit of water supply tank car," he said.

Meanwhile, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that Aceh is currently entering the dry season. As of today, his party detected a hot spot in the Gayo Lues Regency area.

"One hot spot was observed in Pinding District, Gayo Lues, based on the results of monitoring from 00.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB," said BMKG Class I Data and Information Coordinator Sultan Iskandar Muda Aceh Besar Zakaria Ahmad.

BMKG said the hotspots were monitored based on the terra, aqua, and Suomi NPP satellite sensors. With a moderate level of confidence, but still has the potential for a fire to occur.

"Currently Aceh has entered the dry season, we urge the public not to clear land by burning," said Zakaria.