BMKG Makassar: Atmospheric Disturbance Triggers Weather Anomaly

MAKASSAR - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Region IV Makassar estimates that moderate to heavy rain will continue for the next few days due to atmospheric disturbances that trigger weather anomalies.

"The rain that has occurred in the last few days is indeed due to atmospheric disturbances", said BMKG Region IV Makassar forecaster, South Sulawesi, Agusmin H, quoted by Antara, Saturday, May 14.

He explained that rain with moderate to heavy rain intensity had occurred for the last few days, triggered by atmospheric disturbances, in the form of a slowdown in the movement of air masses in the west, precisely in the waters of the southern Makassar Strait.

"So this factor causes the seeds of convective clouds to easily grow and develop to form rain clouds that can be accompanied by lightning or lightning and strong winds (Cumulonimbus)", he said.

According to Agusmin, the current condition should have entered the dry season. However, due to the atmospheric disturbance, triggers an anomaly or changes in weather that have an impact on rain in several areas of South Sulawesi, West, and surrounding areas.

"Actually, we have just entered the dry season, it is estimated that the peak will be in August to September 2022. However, currently, it is raining because of the disturbance mentioned earlier", he said.

With the atmospheric disturbance, the seeds of convective clouds easily form and grow and then become rain clouds that spread to the South Sulawesi region and its surroundings.

Information from the BMKG Region IV Makassar has issued an early warning as of May 14, 2022, at 16.00 WITA with the potential for heavy rain accompanied by lightning, lightning, and strong winds in the Gowa, Maros, Bone, and Soppeng Regencies.

This condition can extend to the districts of Takalar, Sinjai, Barru, Makassar City, and Pare-Pare City. This condition is expected to continue until 18.30 WITA.