Said Iqbal KSPI: If The Government Of The House Of Representatives Passes The Revision Of The P3 Law, Labor Strikes A 3 Day National Strike

JAKARTA - President of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers' Unions (KSPI), Said Iqbal expressed a strong rejection if the DPR continued to ratify the revision of Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning Regulations for the Establishment of Legislation (UU P3).

Said Iqbal claims that five million workers will hold a national strike for three days if the P3 Law is properly passed.

"If the government-DPR insists on ratifying the revision of the P3 Law by continuing to discuss the omnibus law, through our friends, we can be sure that the Labor Party, the Indonesian Labor Movement, will announce to organize a general strike in the form of a national strike, stop production," said Said Iqbal. in front of the DPR building, Saturday, May 14.

In addition, Said Iqbal called the plan to set up a meeting point in each designated city as a form of rejection. Said strike will also be carried out on a large scale and will last a long time.

"Five million workers will stop producing throughout Indonesia, even gathering at designated points throughout industrial cities and we are preparing for a strike that will last three days and three nights," said Said.

"We have decided that a general strike will be carried out for three days and three nights. There will be a large-scale action. Stop production if the omnibus law is still forced to be passed," he continued.

The plan he expressed clearly demanded that the government and the DPR not ratify the P3 Bill. Because according to the president of KSPI, this will backfire because it can eliminate aspects of public participation.

"We ask that, after members of the House of Representatives re-enter after the recess, do not ratify the revision of the P3 Law because it is only a legal trick and is very dangerous, where public participation is eliminated in the P3 Bill. Every law is enough to be given, discussed, socialized on campus already represents public participation," said Said.

Said explained the P3 Bill as one of the ways for the inclusion of the Job Creation Law. Where the main background for holding this mass action is as a form of rejection of the Job Creation Act.

"And the P3 Bill is an entry point for the omnibus law, even though the omnibus law on the job creation law is the main goal of the Labor Party, the Indonesian Labor Movement. Until then, I repeat, that is our main reason why we take action," added Said.