PMI Aceh Investigates Allegations That The Delivery Of 2,050 Blood Bags To Tangerang Did Not Comply With The SOP

BANDA ACEH - Head of PMI Aceh Province, Murdani Yusuf, stated that his party was investigating the allegation that the delivery of 2,050 bags of blood from PMI Banda Aceh to Tangerang was allegedly not in accordance with procedures.

"Regarding this information, the PMI Aceh management is conducting an in-depth study, coordination and evaluation, God willing, we will convey the results," said Murdani Yusuf in Banda Aceh, reported by Antara, Friday, May 13.

Previously, PMI Banda Aceh was suspected of sending 2,050 bags of blood to Tangerang, and it was deemed not according to procedure and without a plenary meeting of all local PMI management. It was discovered during a surprise inspection by the management.

Based on their inspection results, 2,050 bags of blood were sent in January, February and April 2022. As for March, it has not been confirmed because they only got data from car track records.

Then, the replacement cost for blood processing (BPPD) is also not in accordance with government regulations based on the Permenkes related to BPPD per bag of IDR 360 thousand. But delivery to Tangerang is only with BPPD of IDR 300 thousand per bag.

On the other hand, the Head of PMI Banda Aceh, Dedi Sumardi Nurdin, confirmed that the shipment was made to Tangerang. However, he denied that the process was without coordination with the management and violated procedures, and coordination had been carried out to the PMI Central Blood Donor Unit (UDD).

Murdani said, if the results of the evaluation later found that there were management, employees, and volunteers who took actions that were not in accordance with the organization's constitution, or PMI's code of ethics/behavior, strict action would be taken.

"If it is found that something is not appropriate, we will act in accordance with the AD/ART and PO PMI after consulting with the PMI Central Management," he said.

On this occasion, Murdani emphasized that UDD PMI never sells or buys blood, but only costs for blood processing replacement (BPPD).

"The cost of replacing blood processing is also in accordance with the calculation standards regulated by the Regulation of the Minister of Health and the Regulation of the Governor," said Murdani.

On this occasion, Murdani also apologized to all Acehnese people, especially voluntary blood donors and PMI volunteers for the imperfections in carrying out the tasks of coordinating, supervising and supervising the management of PMI Banda Aceh.